Wednesday, January 13, 2010

AppieOnline2 -How to Register-

Guide to how to register Appie Online 2.

Click the following link to jump official site.

Click the button to start register!

Click the button.

Type your E-mail address, and see the green check mark appears that means it's OK to use. Click the button to continue.

Click the button to proceed. Now you should receive verification E-mail. Check your mail box.

You will receive E-mail that looks like the above pic, and contains a link. Click that link or copy and paste to your browser.

Fill in the information.
Date of Birth:Year/Month/Day

Retype Password
Nickname(Nickname MUST be different to UserID)
Receive Mail Magazine Yes(in html format)/Yes(in text format)/No

Then click the button to proceed.

STEP 2 is installing the game, which means you have done your registration!
No Japanese letter verification, how was it easy?

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