Saturday, January 16, 2010

Introducing Tenchi Tairan Features

As I promised in the previous Tenchi Tairan post, I'm going to introduce Tenchi Tairan's super feature. Look at the picture below to refresh your memory.

First of all, do you see 4 ladies around the player?
In Tenchi Tairan, there are lots of lady enemies. Wooow, excited? But wait, it's not enough.

Players usually get bored when they need to hunt enemies only for lv up and money.
For my experience, I usually turn into a machine when I'm hunting for lv up.

Click.... Click.... Click..... Move mouse... Click...Click........Click.....
Go back to !Start

LOOOOOOOOOL. Turning into a machine to hunt is boring, right?

However. Tenchi Tairan gives you an exciting time when you are hunting lady enemies.
Take a look at this picture.

Okay, let me explain this.
At the beginning, she isn't naked. However, when you start attacking her and you take off her clothes when you have gave her enough damage. And.... at the end, she is nakeeed. LOL.

Now there are many enemies like this in Tenchi Tairan, why don't you discover these tastes?

Click this link to see how to register guide!

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