Sunday, January 24, 2010

Introduce: Lucent Heart

Lucent Heart is another ordinary MMO that consists sword, magic and machine... but somehow they are very original and developed their original tastes.

Click Here to See the Guide for Registering Lucent Heart

(Short Movie to know about Lucent Heart)

"Okay, now, I watched that movie" and you are probably thinking what's their original tastes. Well, here you go.

(Quick movie to see how those dances are made)

Yeah, in Lucent Heart, you can create original dance steps and steps are more than 140 patterns.

"LOL, okay, Cokeman. I'm amazed, but this is ridiculous. We don't need dance in MMO."
Well guys, it's very original and seems like this company is doing good jobs on this. MMO always welcome new features and that's how they different from other games hahaha.

Click Here to See the Guide for Registering Lucent Heart

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