Monday, January 4, 2010

characters and Jobs of R2 Reunion

Introducing characters and jobs of R2 Reunion


Knights - fearless warriors of noble descent, heads the army. As a result of a bloody internecine many noblemen lost their possession, and they have only their rank and origin. Knights do not recognize the long-distance attacks, their fate near the bout. They are excellent and build a huge physical force. Their main weapon - a shield and sword, but highly skill they have achieved in possession dvuruchnym sword.

A powerful blow (10 - level).
The critical blow during the attack in nearby battle.
MP = 10, action instantly, no delay.
Anger (20 - level).
Increases in the level of intensity +3.
MP = 15, valid for 1 minutes, 0.5 seconds delay.
Pain (30 - Level)
Increases level of protection +3.
MP = 15, operates within 30 seconds, 0.3 seconds delay.
Berserk (40 - level). Significantly increases the speed of movement and attack, but reduces the level of protection -4.
MP = 20, operates within 30 seconds, 0.5 seconds delay.


Popular as mercenaries during the endless wars, the Rangers owned equally well in all kinds of weapons. Hardened in group battles, they are most efficiently operate in small groups. Rangers travel around the world in search of decent Kolforta leader for whom they will be ready to fight.

Rangers with great speed and metkostyu, especially good at attack on distant ranges, so basically use guns or bows. The main parameter for this class - dexterity. They can use a shield and sword, but not as effectively because of the low level of force.

A powerful shot (10 th level).
The critical blow during the attack in the remote battle.
MP = 10, action instantly, no delay.
Deftly Warrior (20 th level).
Increases in the level of dexterity +3.
MP = 15, valid for 1 minutes, 0.5 seconds delay.
Sighting shot (30 th level)
The goal came under this skill is losing speed and level of attack.
MP = 15, operates in 10 seconds, no delays.
Strengthening (40 th level).
Increased levels of remote attack.
MP = 20, operates within 30 seconds, 0.5 seconds delay.


Elves ruled lands Kolforta long before the arrival of people. Thanks to its rich knowledge they can use the magic of nature and have spells of attack and defence and elven warriors possess excellent sword. Despite the fact that with the arrival of people, many elves have disappeared, some of them remained in the north-eastern Guinea and lived, protected by nature. Among them, and found those whom curiosity and thirst for adventure forced to go into a long journey for peace of people.

A powerful blow (10 th level).
The critical blow during the attack in nearby battle.
MP = 10, action instantly, the delay 5 seconds.
Mental strength (20 th level).
Increases in the level of intelligence +3.
MP = 15, valid for 1 minutes, 0.5 seconds delay.
Focus of mana (30 th level)
Restores MR even at the level of overloading.
MP = 15, is valid for 20 minutes, no delays.
Wind (40 th level).
Increases level of protection nearby fellow at the 3.
MP = 25, valid for 1 minutes, 1 second delay.


Assassin - specially trained killers, constitute a basis in the past the army of dark priests. This deadly enemies, suddenly forwards and equally suddenly hiding in the dark. With his skill, possession of weapons they might kill unsuspecting victim of a rapid and accurate shot, use any, even the most treacherous methods of warfare, because for them the end justifies any means. Masters secretive movement and lightning attacks, assassin possess incredible speed attack, allowing breaks on the enemy barrage of strikes.

Begun (10 th level).
An increasing speed of movement of character.
MP = 10, action instantly, 1 second delay.
Provornost (20 th level).
Increases ability uvorachivatsya character of the enemy strikes.
MP = 25, valid for 15 seconds, 1 second delay.
Poisoning (30 th level).
Poisons opponent during a fight.
MP = 40, acted instantly, 1 second delay.
Torpor (40 th level).
Oglushaet and does not allow the enemy to move.
MP = 25, valid for 15 seconds, 1 second delay.

R2 Resign of Revolution - How to register with R2 Japanese Server

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